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Weekly Classes



@The Gallivant


8 - 9am

@The Gallivant

5:45 - 7pm



8 - 9am

@The Gallivant


8:00 - 9am

@The Gallivant


Practice at your own pace. This class is grounded and friendly with a community of all backgrounds and abilites. A Mystical Yoga class is aimed to deepen your own practice and connect to the earth, moon and sun's cycles. Whether a beginner at yoga or a long-term practitioner. Each asana is yours. Our aim is not to 'get somewhere' but to enjoy the journey. In mystical yoga we work with a variety of different practices to help synchronise ourselves to the rhythm of nature including: pranayama, asana, meditation, visualisation, chanting, kriyas and reflection.

£10, eighth class free.

The Gallivant

Start the morning with presence and intention in the airy Open Space studio at the Gallivant. This class offers a mindful yoga practice to help you build strength, connect to your breath and boost your energy. You’ll flow through a range of poses to improve your mobility and leave you feeling energised. Open to all levels, no experience necessary, mats and all equipment provided.

As well as weekly classes at the Gallivant, I also often offer day retreats and special events. See Retreats for more information.

£12 drop in, memberships available.

India Mystical Yoga Retreat Kent
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